iv therapy for chronic conditions
The Oklahoma Health and Wellness Center offers a variety of intravenous therapies including chelation therapy, oxidation therapy, and ascorbate therapy. Our IV therapy treatments can be used to improve a variety of health conditions, including chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, and more.
Serving Oklahoma for 36 years and counting
Over 36 years, our clinic has administered tens of thousands of IVs over the years. We have helped many Oklahomans and north Texans back to good health with our treatments. Each IV takes between 45 - 120 minutes depending on your body and the size of the IV.

Nurse Pam administering an IV to a patient

Doctor Cook approved
Every IV is formulated by Dr. Cook and mixed by our favorite Nurse Pam. Each is made to order, and every IV is tailored to your needs.
Dr. Cook gets an IV whenever he feels under the weather.
4 types of IVs

Chelation therapy removes heavy metal build up and cleans arteries.

Oxidation uses medical grade hydrogen peroxide to raise oxygen levels in the blood.
High-dose vitamin C drips boost the immune system and help fight sickness and infection.

Ozone IV therapy is a more potent form of oxidative therapy. The amount of oxygen is much higher and thus more effective.