100ct. IF-C capsules. This unique Chinese herbal blend helps calm a stressed fire constitution. Its Chinese name means “clear the heat.”*
Clinical applications:
- Nourishes the structural and immune systems.*
- In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it helps to “clear the heat”.*
According to Eastern philosophy, life permits us to work with what we have on earth here and now—body and mind—in order to reclaim and maintain the innate energy and spirit that reside within us. Energy and spirit must be awakened, nurtured and balanced in order for life to flourish. TCM philosophy names five distinct energies that permeate the body:Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. In order to feel your best, these energies must be in balance. IF-C is designed to support healthy immunity and calm a stressed fire constitution. Its Chinese name qing re can be translated as “clear the heat.”*