100ct. Liver Balance capsules. This harmonizing, concentrated blend of Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs optimizes liver health while supporting the digestive and nervous systems during times of tension.*
Clinical applications:
- Traditionally used to support liver function, reduce stress and restore vigor.*
- Supports healthy digestion.*
Liver Balance
Liver Balance is designed to support the needs of a stressed wood constitution. The Chinese call this formula tiao he, which can be translated to mean “harmonizing.” In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is used to support both the digestive and nervous systems, optimizing liver health and reducing stress. Its primary herbs—scute, peony, bupleurum and atractylodes—have been used traditionally to maintain normal nervous system function during mental stress and to support the upper digestive system during tension and distress. Bupleurum is the most important “cooling herb” according to Chinese herbology. It is believed to aid the upward flow of chi, or the body’s living force, thereby strengthening the body against stress. Other herbs support these functions in what the Chinese referto as a “wood-reducing” formula.*
For more than 35 years, we’ve partnered with the same incredible vendor to collaborate with farmers in traditional communities to ethically source the finest Chinese herbs for these formulas. And we’ve conducted multiple on-site audits throughout the years to re-verify the quality of both their facility and their herbs. Our farmers are deeply attached to the land they’ve lived on and worked for generations, and they practice regenerative farming methods to preserve it for future use.*